Riyadhus Shalihin is theatre maker, dramaturg, playwright, born in 1989 in Bandung (Indonesia). He has graduated from the Faculty of Performing Arts, ISBI (Institute Of Art and Culture) Bandung, and a master from the Faculty of Visual Art and Design, ITB (Bandung Institute Of Technology).
Riyadhus is currently pursuing the method of “performative forensics,” a research-based artistic practice using the technique of examining space, memory, and archives, such as animal and plantation/botany research, eviction locations, family photos, ruins of cinemas, bridges rivers, burial complexes, or colonial furniture, as a core for the artistic work.
In 2016, he co-founded Bandung Performing Arts Forum (BPAF) and became a dramaturg and directing since ever. His plays “CUT-OUT” published in the anthology of “New Indonesian Plays” by Aurora Metro Books London (2019), and his video art ‘Unidentified Origin Of The Lightless” it’s a first winner of Bazaar Art Video, Ritz Carlton Jakarta (2017).